Palestinian American doctor Thaer Ahmad walks out in Biden meeting in protest of Gaza war

Palestinian American doctor Thaer Ahmad walks out in Biden meeting in protest of Gaza war


03 April, 2024

Dr Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian American emergency physician, recently walked out of a meeting with President Joe Biden to express his discontent with the US response to Israel's war on Gaza.

The meeting, attended by Vice President Kamala Harris, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and other officials, occurred during a gathering initially intended as an iftar dinner for Ramadan.

The iftar dinner was changed to a meeting event as participants felt uncomfortable having a celebratory meal while hundreds of thousands in Gaza were on the brink of famine. During the event, Dr Thaer Ahmad presented a letter from a young girl in Rafah, adding a personal dimension to the discussions. He then decided to leave the meeting to make a strong statement about his dissatisfaction with the US administration's handling of the Israel war on Gaza.