Dalia Ghanem

Dalia Ghanem

Dalia Ghanem

Dr. Dalia Ghanem is a senior analyst in charge of the Middle East and North Africa portfolio at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Paris. She was previously a senior resident scholar at Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut. Her research focuses on Algeria’s political, economic, social, and security developments. Her research also examines political violence, radicalization, civil-military relationships, transborder dynamics, and gender. She recently published Understanding the Persistence of Competitive Authoritarianism in Algeria.

It has been 68 years since Algeria launched its war of independence, and whilst much has changed in the country, the regime’s authoritarian practices have not, explains Dr. Dalia Ghanem who argues that the path to democratisation is still far.

07 November, 2022