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Chris Hamill-Stewart

Chris Hamill-Stewart

Chris Hamill-Stewart is a freelance journalist and writer specialising in the business and politics of the Middle East and the Islamic world. He speaks regularly on current affairs in the UK

In-depth: Of the 37 athletes competing for the Refugee Olympic Team in Paris, nearly half fled from just one country: Iran.

30 July, 2024

Analysis: Israel's short-term ploy to arm settler paramilitaries in the occupied West Bank could lead to a future civil war between the state and settlers.

11 June, 2024

In-depth: While internal tensions continue to bubble, relations are deteriorating with the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria's neighbours.

02 April, 2024

Analysis: The question of who will succeed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei is casting a shadow over Iran's 2024 elections.

27 February, 2024

Analysis: As attacks mount on US forces, Washington has few good options for countering Iraq's militias.

30 January, 2024