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Basma El Atti

Basma El Atti

El Atti

Basma is The New Arab’s Morocco correspondent, covering local affairs and social and cultural events in the Maghreb region. She began her career as a journalist in a Moroccan anglophone outlet, before joining the New Arab in 2022.


Areas of focus: the Maghreb, feminism, ecology, LGBTQ+


Follow her on twitter: @elattibasma


Elected in 2019, Tebboune, once Bouteflika's Prime Minister, banned protests and ramped up punishments for activists, journalists, and bloggers.

09 August, 2024

Madouri, an author of several publications on social protection for migrants, may find himself at odds with President Saied and his anti-migration policies.

09 August, 2024

"To be honest, I don't really understand boxing, but I'm here to cheer for Imane," said Rachid, a 50-year-old man.

07 August, 2024

Analysis: France's pivot to Morocco on the Western Sahara could jeopardise its Algerian gas supplies. Experts say Rabat's friendship might be worth it.

06 August, 2024

Hassan Kaiba, Israel's reported new envoy to Rabat, is mostly known for portraying pro-Palestine protesters in Morocco as "non-human."

06 August, 2024

On 1 August, Moroccan Sahrawi singer Saida Charaf performed her signature song "Mani," and a tribute to Rabat's autonomy plan for the disputed Western Sahara.

05 August, 2024

Ben Sedrine, former head of the truth and dignity commission, is accused of "falsifying" the commission’s final report on the Franco-Tunisian Bank (BFT) affair.

02 August, 2024

Algeria imposed an economic blockade on Spain when Madrid adopted a pro-Morocco position on Western Sahara. French parties fear similar consequences.

02 August, 2024

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said the release of Radi, Raissouni, and Bouachrine marks a major step forward for press freedom in Morocco.

30 July, 2024

On 22 July, Nacheet's colleagues voiced concern for him during an increasing wave of arrests against potential candidates in Tunisia's presidential race.

29 July, 2024