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Jessica Buxbaum

Jessica Buxbaum

Jessica Buxbaum is a Jerusalem-based journalist covering Palestine and Israel. Her work has been featured in Middle East Eye, The National and Gulf News. Follow her on Twitter: @jess_buxbaum

In-depth: There are fears that Israel's military raids in the West Bank, the largest in decades, are fuelled by plans to annex the Palestinian territory.

05 September, 2024

Analysis: Israel's revocation of the diplomatic status of Norwegian envoys suggests other diplomats working in Palestine may soon be in a similar position.

20 August, 2024

The UNESCO-recognised Al-Makhrour area is under threat of Israeli settler expansion as Palestinians return to their land to demonstrate and reclaim their homes

15 August, 2024

Analysis: A recent Knesset resolution rejecting Palestinian statehood proves what observers have long noted - there is no partner for peace in Israel.

31 July, 2024

In-depth: The largest land seizure in three decades has reignited fears that Israel is seeking to annex the West Bank under the cover of the Gaza war.

17 July, 2024

In-depth: A quiet move to transfer power over the West Bank from military to civilian officials amounts to a formal annexation of the Palestinian territory.

04 July, 2024

In-depth: Israeli demolitions in the Negev have intensified in the last six months, with up to 6,000 people in eight Bedouin villages at risk of displacement.

26 June, 2024

Analysis: Israel's brazen intimidation of ICC officials is proof of the country's impunity, raising doubts about the court's judicial independence.

12 June, 2024

In-depth: From sunset pictures to posing next to bombed-out buildings and women's lingerie, photos from the Gaza war are commonplace on dating apps in Israel.

06 May, 2024

In-depth: Israel is using its allegations against UNRWA as ammunition to push the UN agency out of Jerusalem, placing thousands of Palestinian refugees at risk.

24 April, 2024