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Karim Traboulsi


Karim is the Managing Editor of The New Arab since May 2019. He holds an MA in Translation Studies focusing on journalism in translation from Arabic. He has spent the last twelve years working as editor, writer, and translator in Middle East-focused news media, including six years with The New Arab as editor then managing editor.


Areas of focus: Lebanese politics, political economy in the Middle East and North Africa, media studies, and disinformation.


Follow him on Twitter: @Kareemios

American right-wing commentator and one-time Trump supporter Ann Coulter has praised Israel's massacre of dozens of unarmed Palestinians on Monday

15 May, 2018

A popular Saudi cleric has praised Mohamed Salah, Liverpool FC's Egyptian footballer, for "representing Islam well in England."

20 March, 2018

Israel's ministry of defence made overtures to several US-based hackers, expressing interest in so-called 'zero-day' attacks for possible use in covert operations against its foes.

05 March, 2018

Iranian activists are demanding authorities enforce a law that would see men guilty of harassment and manspreading in public receive up to 74 lashes, fines and jail time.

26 February, 2018

Egypt has banned the Arabic version of US comedy 'Saturday Night Live' from television for violating ethical standards, the country's media regulator said, citing its 'sexually suggestive' humour.

12 February, 2018

Badly injured, depressed and ill, the leader of the largely decimated Islamic State group, once the world's most formidable terror organisation, is reportedly living his final days.

12 February, 2018

In a move sure to escalate tensions between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, a judge in Beirut has accepted a lawsuit against Saudi Minister for Gulf Affairs Thamer Sabhan

07 February, 2018

A Saudi move to slap hefty fines and even jail foul-smelling worshippers at mosques is facing backlash from many who see the plan as a discriminatory measure targetting Asian labourers.

29 January, 2018

Dozens of new offences could land citizens in jail for 'anti-social behaviour' as Saudi Arabia's Shura Council eyes up a new 'indecency' law.

29 January, 2018

Dozens of new offences could land citizens in jail for 'anti-social behaviour' as Saudi Arabia's Shura Council eyes up a new 'indecency' law.

29 January, 2018