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Richard Silverstein


Richard Silverstein writes the Tikun Olam blog and is a freelance journalist specializing in exposing secrets of the Israeli national security state. He campaigns against opacity and the negative impact of Israeli military censorship.

Already a highly advanced and sophisticated system of digital control against Palestinians, Israel's surveillance capabilities are becoming far more dangerous thanks to Project NIMBUS and the help of global tech giants, writes Richard Silverstein.

11 August, 2022

After relentless pressure from the pro-Israel lobby, Unilever overturned Ben & Jerry’s decision not to sell in the Occupied Territories. Israel may have won this battle, but the BDS movement continues to gain momentum, writes Richard Silverstein.

07 July, 2022

A visit by a Pakistani-American interfaith group to Israel has sparked outrage in Pakistan, but behind the veneer of “dialogue”, the group’s leader, Anila Ali, has promoted Islamophobic views, writes Richard Silverstein.

07 June, 2022

Since the Nakba, Israel has oppressed Palestinians through state terror which it justified as ‘self-defence’, whilst Palestinians resisting are labelled terrorists, but Israeli violence at Al Aqsa is unveiling the truth, writes Richard Silverstein.

20 April, 2022

Once celebrated as the "front page of the Internet" and a forum for unfettered debate, Reddit has joined other tech giants in systematically censoring pro-Palestinian content, undermining the ethos on which it was built, writes Richard Silverstein.

07 March, 2022

Israel has long used big data to censor those that expose its inhumane policies, but the new "Facebook law", the most draconian censorship measure yet, gives authorities dangerously wide remit to target dissidents, writes Richard Silverstein.

12 January, 2022

Israel does not fear an Iranian nuclear weapon, what it truly fears is a regional economic rival who could upend the status quo in regards to the Palestinians, writes Richard Silverstein.

17 December, 2021

Opinion: Israel's alleged use of AI in its assassination program against Iranian nuclear scientists may have enamoured its admirers, but offers no long-term benefit and plenty of moral and legal danger, writes Richard Silverstein.  

29 September, 2021

Comment: Anti-Semites like Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon, and Islamophobes like Frank Gaffney will eventually cause the Trump administration to implode, writes Richard Silverstein

23 November, 2016

Comment: Richard Silverstein asks: Why did the Israeli army censor try to hide a story that is a half century old?

24 October, 2016