Author Page


Tom Charles


Charles is a London-based writer, editor and literary agent. He previously worked in the UK parliament, including as a lobbyist for Palestinian rights. He has contributed to Jadaliyya and the Journal of Palestinian Refugee Studies.

Comment: Even if he loses the race to the White House, Jeb Bush's ideas for a messianic US role in the region chime strongly with party donors, writes Tom Charles.

02 November, 2015

Comment: Shaker Aamer is due to be released on Saturday, and supporters are strongly encouraging US justice officials to keep their word, writes Tom Charles.

23 October, 2015

Comment: Debates about whether the UK should launch air raids in Syria could be a less decisive issue for the Labour Party than its Palestine policy, argues Tom Charles.

16 October, 2015

Comment: The election of a leftist as leader of Britain's main opposition party has already started to shake the status quo of business-as-usual, writes Tom Charles.

14 September, 2015

Comment: Refugees, the spectre of the Chilcot Report and the rise to prominence of Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn mean that Iraq is back at the centre of UK politics.

11 September, 2015

Comment: There are many factors that may cause someone to leave London to fight in Syria, but few routes back for those that change their minds, writes Tom Charles.

01 September, 2015

Comment: Britain has a particular responsibility to displaced Syrians and others, for its complicity in fuelling conflict across the region, but it is failing to become part of a solution.

31 August, 2015

Comment: Mark Regev has made his name defending the undefendable, brazenly spinning a web of half-truth, zero-truth and deceit to justify Israel's crimes in front of the world's media.

27 August, 2015

Comment: The veteran left-winger looks likely to become Britain's next leader of the opposition, turning right-wing smears into opportunities to explain his politics, writes Tom Charles.

16 August, 2015

Comment: As international agencies report on the war on Gaza, the false equivalence given to the violence of Israel and Hamas corrupts how the group is seen around the world.

24 July, 2015