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The New Arab Staff

Al-Araby al-Jadeed


The Syrian pound has plummeted against the dollar in recent months as the Syrian regime struggles to finance a costly war and save a state-controlled economy.

05 May, 2015

Feature: Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam project could cut off vital River Nile supplies, which Egypt needs for food and water security.

04 May, 2015

Feature: The Rashaida live in the heart of the Sudanese desert and trace their lineage back to the Bedouin tribes of the Hijaz.

04 May, 2015

Libya Dawn-backed government in Tripoli says latest UN plan would give power to rival administration in Tobruk and make its military forces the "national army".

30 April, 2015

Analysis: Perhaps it might be the preferential treatment the former president has received in prison, but Hosni Mubarak is vocally supporting Egypt's current ruler.

27 April, 2015

Following the 2013 military coup in Egypt, dozens of activists have been arrested. A new activist group wants to put an end to the repression of dissent.

26 April, 2015

Analysis: Analysts say Russia's sale of its S-300 air defence system show Iran the benefits of sticking with the nuclear negotiations, but Israel will not be happy.

16 April, 2015

On the 13th anniversary of his imprisonment, the popular Fatah leader says the Oslo project has failed and calls for a fundamental reassessment of the role of the Palestinian Authority.

15 April, 2015

With air strikes unable to break the impasse in Yemen, does the planned dispatch of Egyptian troops to Saudi Arabia mean a ground offensive is imminent?

14 April, 2015

Head of families associated tells al-Araby al-Jadeed that 16 men captured by armed group last year in Arsal will be released in exchange for prisoners and money.

14 April, 2015