White House 'remains committed' to seeking Jerusalem peace deal despite Abbas' comments

White House 'remains committed' to seeking Jerusalem peace deal despite Abbas' comments
A senior US official maintained that the White House remains committed to seeking a deal, despite Palestinian leader saying the US is no longer fit to mediate
1 min read
14 December, 2017
Palestinian leader declared the US 'unfit' to mediate [AFP]

The White House says President Donald Trump "remains as committed to peace as ever" after the Palestinians said they would no longer accept a US role in the peace process with Israel.

A senior White House official says such rhetoric "has prevented peace for years" and isn't surprising. The White House will remain "hard at work putting together our plan, which will benefit the Israeli and Palestinian peoples."

The official says the Trump administration will unveil the plan "when it is ready and the time is right."

The White House official spoke to AP on condition of anonymity in advance of an expected public statement.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has criticised Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, saying the US is no longer fit to serve as mediator.

Trump's declaration broke with an international consensus that Jerusalem's final status should be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Jerusalem is a key issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and many have warned against the far-reaching consequences of such a move.