Sudan's crisis deepens after two weeks of floods

Sudan's crisis deepens after two weeks of floods


14 August, 2024

Sudan is no stranger to conflict or climate change, with each exacerbating the toll of the other as a year-long civil war spirals further out of control. The onset of the rainy season promises even more devastation for a country whose humanitarian needs are already going unmet.

On July 28, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) issued a “flash update” highlighting the “impact of heavy rains and flooding” in Sudan.

The announcement indicated that in Kassala State — on the eastern border with Eritrea — floods had “affected thousands of people, including internally displaced people (IDPs), host communities, and refugees".

Among them were over 10,000 “newly arrived IDPs” from Sennar State on the south-eastern border with Ethiopia.