With the new decision of the Ministry of Telecommunications to increase the prices of fixed internet and mobile phone networks, a part of the population will now find it impossible to afford telecommunication services.
Between hopes for change, tensions between voters and violations of the electoral law, the Lebanese diaspora vote gives a foretaste of what could happen in the legislative elections to be held on May 15.
In the run-up to Lebanon's general elections on May 15, opposition parties have reported threats, intimidation and political-economic obstacles preventing them from carrying out their election campaign.
After only a handful of Lebanese women were selected as candidates, many activists and international organisations are calling for a better representation of women in the coming general elections of May 2022.
In a new low, the Lebanese government's lifting of essential medical subsidies, without any real contingency plan, has made basic healthcare provisions increasingly unaffordable for the majority of Lebanese citizens.
New and emerging Lebanese media outlets are encouraging more political participation and citizen empowerment and as these alternatives obtain more means to integrate into the media landscape, they are bringing a counter-power to traditional voices.