Lions attack Egyptian circus trainer in big top mauling

Lions attack Egyptian circus trainer in big top mauling
An Egyptian circus performer is in critical condition after being mauled by big cats during a rehearsal.
1 min read
28 Nov, 2016
The use of animals in circuses has long been a subject of protest [Getty]

A lion and three tigers attacked their trainer during a circus rehearsal session in Alexandria, north Egypt, on Saturday evening.  

The animals left 22-year-old Islam Mohammed in a critical condition after mauling him inside a cage. The trainer was taken to a nearby hospital in the tourist village by panicked circus workers.  

Mohammed Mustafa, director of public relations at the circus, told reporters the attack could be related to mating season, but was highly unusual for any time of year.

A team of public prosecutors in Alexandria have begun an investigation into the attack, although the trainer's condition has not allowed him to make any public statement.

According to the Directorate of Heath Affairs in Alexandria, he suffered neck injuries which have now become infected and his condition remains critical.
