Roger Waters backs pro-Palestine candidates in UK election over Gaza

Roger Waters backs pro-Palestine candidates in UK election over Gaza
Roger Waters sparred with Piers Morgan over Gaza, the UK election and other pressing political issues.
2 min read
03 July, 2024
Roger Waters made the remarks on Pier's Morgan's 'Uncensored' TV show [Getty]

Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has endorsed several candidates standing for election in the United Kingdom on pro-Palestine platforms.

Waters made the remarks on Piers Morgan's 'Uncensored' TV show, during which the two sparred over the war on Gaza, antisemitism and the UK election.

"I'll tell you why I'm here, because we're having a general election. And I've come over here to help four or five people who are standing as independents in different constituencies in the United Kingdom," Waters said during a segment on opposition leader Keir Starmer, who is widely expected to become prime minister.

"Because they, like me, believe in Human rights. Keir Starmer doesn't, Rishi Sunak don't, and they've shown it. And one of the ways they've shown it is in their support for the state of Israel, and continuing to arm Israel in its genocide of the Palestinian people."

Waters then named several candidates who he was backing, including Andrew Feinstein, who is challenging for Keir Starmer's Holborn and St. Pancras seat, British-Palestinian independent Leanne Mohammed, former British ambassador Craig Murray, and Workers Party leader George Galloway.

While Starmer's Labour is expected to sweep to power in Thursday's election, discontent over the party's stance on Gaza has caused a number of independent candidates to stand for election in a bid to reduce the incoming government's majority.

In his interview with Morgan, Waters also cast doubt on Israel's narrative on the Hamas-led 7 October attack on Israel, in which around 1,200 people were killed and over 200 taken captive.

Israeli officials and media outlets have made several claims about the attack that have either been debunked or are unsubstantiated, including about beheaded babies and a coordinated campaign of sexual violence by Hamas.

​"If Hamas committed war crimes, I condemn it," he said while doubling down on previous comments in which he said it would be impossible to truly know what happened.

Waters, 80, has often weighed in on political issues, including those in the Middle East. His previous comments on Syria have stirred controversy, including his claim that the White Helmets rescue group was a "fake organisation", echoing pro-Assad regime narratives.