'Residents frightened' as Kuwaiti warplane enters Iraqi airspace

'Residents frightened' as Kuwaiti warplane enters Iraqi airspace
Residents in the southern governorate of Basra were left frightened when a Kuwaiti military plane entered Iraqi airspace, local news reported on Tuesday.
2 min read
05 April, 2017
The military jet entered through Iraq's southern border with Kuwait [The New Arab]

A Kuwaiti military plane entered Iraqi airspace, Baghdad said on Tuesday, allegedly causing fear among residents in the area.

The military jet flew above Safwan in the southern governorate of Basra, local reports said.

Kuwait is among the nations currently hosting military drills in the region - along with the US - and although no reasons were given for the plane's presence in Iraqi airspace, Safwan authorities requested a formal apology to residents for causing unnecessary fear, daily Kuwait News reported.

Meanwhile, an Iraqi plane heading towards Basra was also a cause of concern earlier this week, when the country's tourism minister spontaneously requested to land the passenger jet.

"The minister entered the cockpit and asked to if he could land the plane… the captain told his co-pilot to give his seat to the minister so he could land it under his supervision," a senior Iraqi official told The New Arab.

"The minister did not do a good job. He slammed the front of the plane into the ground, sending the passengers into a panic," the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity said.

The source added that the captain stepped in just in time to prevent a catastrophe from taking place, adding that plane was heavily damaged during the botched landing and has been taken out of service for repairs.

Local broadcaster al-Sharqiya TV on Saturday aired a video made by a passenger on the flight, who confirmed that the plane almost crashed and that the aircrew had told passengers that Finjan had been in control.

"During the landing the plane suddenly dove directly towards the ground. We were all terrified, women were screaming and some elderly were injured… Thank God we survived," the passenger said.