Clashes break out between Palestinian fighters and PA security forces in West Bank

Clashes break out between Palestinian fighters and PA security forces in West Bank
The clashes broke out after security forces stormed areas of Tubas where Palestinian fighters were located.
3 min read
12 October, 2024
Clashes broke out between Palestinian fighters and PA security forces [Getty]

Armed clashes erupted between Palestinian Authority security forces and members of the Tubas Battalion group on Friday in the occupied West Bank, with one Palestinian reported as seriously injured.

The clashes broke out after security forces stormed areas where Palestinian fighters were located, arresting four after ambushing them in the centre of Tubas in the north of the occupied West Bank.

The battalion is affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement.

The New Arab’s Arabic language sister publication, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, reported that clips on social media showed violent confrontations breaking out and explosive devices detonated.

Videos circulating online also showed rubber tyres being set on fire, main roads blocked and entrances to the city closed after security forces stormed the area looking for the battalion members.

According to reports, the Tubas Battalion had issued a call for people to take to the streets to prevent security forces from cornering them, particularly after the security forces called for military reinforcement.

Local sources who spoke on condition of anonymity told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that at around 6pm, security forces stormed the Old City of Tubas in civilian vehicles and carried out a widespread detention campaign.

When the security forces arrived, violent armed clashes erupted. The sources added that some young men, who are not part of the battalion, were also arrested, after being accused of providing support and assistance to the battalion members.

One man was severely wounded after being shot at and is now receiving treatment at the Turkish Hospital.

Since the arrest of Ahmed Abu Al-Ayda, the commander of the battalion on 8 October, Tubas has been experiencing an uptick in violence and confrontations between battalion members and security forces.

Al-Ayda was shot during his arrest and transferred to a location outside of Tubas without anyone being informed of where this is. However, some believe he is in the Jericho Central Prison or the Junaid Military Prison in Jenin.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed contacted Abu-Ayda’s family, who confirmed that they do not know where he is being held, despite them asking security forces.

A source told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that there has not been a solution to the violence because "the Palestinian Authority has not responded to the solutions put forward, because it deals with things according to security obligations between them and the Israeli occupation".

The source added that communication between the battalion and the PA has become more difficult, as the battalion have increased their security precautions after being pursued by PA security forces and Israeli forces. Some of the members have moved out of their homes and are staying far away, the source explained.

The Al-Quds Brigades issued a statement following the confrontations.

"…We call on everyone and invite every free and honourable person to mobilise and lift the siege on fighters of the Tubas Battalion, who are besieged by security forces who are trying to eliminate the state of resistance in order to achieve the dream of the enemy leaders and settlers," the statement said.