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Israeli military pilot killed in helicopter crash

Israeli military pilot killed in helicopter crash
1 min read
08 August, 2017
A veteran Israeli army pilot was killed and another soldier seriously injured in southern Israel after a helicopter malfunctioned and crashed near the Ramon airbase.
Israel suspended its Apache squadrons in June after discovering a fault [AFP]

An Israeli military pilot was killed and another soldier seriously injured when their Apache helicopter crashed near Israel's Ramon Airbase in the country's south.

Israel's army identified the deceased soldier as Maj. David Zohar, a 43-year-old veteran pilot who was serving as a reserve.

The pair were returning to the air base after a training flight, however encountered a malfunction on the journey.

A military helicopter rushed to rescue the two soldiers and recovered the injured first lieutenant who was located in the aircraft's back seat.

He was taken to a hospital in Beersheba.

Israel's army recomissioned Apache helicopters last month, after a brief suspension of the army's two Apache squadrons over the discovery of a crack in the back rotor blade of one of the helicopters.

The military also held a debate on soldier safety after an officer was killed by a shot accidentally fired by another soldier in Hebron.