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Israel considers increasing support for PA to 'fight terror'

Israel considers increasing support for Palestinian Authority to 'fight terrorism': report
1 min read
07 September, 2022
Israeli forces are reportedly concerned with the decreased standing of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, seeing its decline as a security threat to Israel.
Israel is considering shoring up Palestinian security forces in the West Bank [Getty]

Israeli authorities are considering increasing their support for security forces controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) to combat 'terrorism' in the occupied West Bank, according to Haaretz.

The weakening of the Palestinian security forces run by the Palestinian Authority has "created fertile ground for the growth of terrorism", the Israeli daily quoted Israeli army chief Aviv Kochavi as saying on Sunday.

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Israeli civilian and military authorities have noticed that the PA’s authority has eroded in the West Bank, according to reports, and want to shore up its security forces. This comes after multiple attacks within Israel by Palestinians over the past few months. 

Israeli forces have launched deadly raids on West Bank cities in retaliation, killing and injuring hundreds of Palestinians.

An increase in the number of Palestinians who are allowed to work in Israel is being considered, as well as more direct financial aid to the PA. 

Prime Minister Yair Lapid is expected to discuss the issue with the heads of Israel’s defence establishment in a scheduled meeting on Wednesday. 

Israeli forces killed Younes al-Tayeh, a 21-year-old Palestinian in the city of Tubas on Wednesday.

He was the third Palestinian to die in an Israeli raid in the West Bank in three days.