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Iranian gay man murdered by own family

Iranian gay man murdered by own family in so-called 'honour killing'
2 min read
11 May, 2021
The family of Alireza Monfared, 20, reportedly murdered him after finding out his sexual orientation on his military exemption card.
Monfared's killing was repoted by 6rang, an Iranian LGBTQ+ network [Getty]
A young gay man in western Iran was killed by members of his own family in a so-called 'honour killing', according to activists.

Iranian LGBTQ+ network 6rang said in a statement that Alireza Monfared, 20, was killed near his home city of Ahvaz, in the province of Khuzestan, on 14 May.

His death followed the discovery of his sexual orientation on a military exemption card by members of his family.

Some media reports stated that he had been beheaded, although this was not confirmed by official channels.

6rang said that six people have been arrested in relation to the killing of Monfared, whose body was found a few days later.

The network deplored Iranian authorities for exposing LGBTQ+ people to risks in the deeply conservative country through a military service exemption process, urging a change to the legislation.

6rang has previously explained how Iran's degrading military exemption cards allow government agencies and employers to identify sexual orientation "with only one glance" at a card.

According to audio recordings reviewed by BBC Persian, Monfared had received threats from his family. He had sought to migrate to Turkey and then seek refuge in other European countries.

His friends who spoke to the BBC said he had spent long periods in other Iranian provinces to try and keep away from his family. His friends also reported that he planned to travel to Turkey 'within weeks'.

Read also:  Iran uses 'electric shocks' on LGBT children, UN report finds

Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad tweeted a tribute to Monfared.

"Rest in peace Alireza Fazeli Monfared. This 20-year-old beautiful soul from Iran was brutally killed by his brother & cousins for being gay as part of an honour killing," Alinejad wrote.

"Iran's LGBTQ community is brutalised both by the regime & by bigotry in certain families".

According to a 2020 survey conducted by 6rang, six-in-ten LQBTQ+ people have been assaulted by their own family members. Same-sex sexual relations are illegal in Iran and punishable by death or life imprisonment.

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