Hundreds march in Tel Aviv against Gaza protest killings

Hundreds march in Tel Aviv against Gaza protest killings
Hundreds of Israelis protested against Friday's bloodbath in Tel Aviv this weekend, with a radio host banned for condemning killings of protesters.
2 min read
02 April, 2018
Around 250 people gathered for the demonstration against the killing of Gaza protestors [Getty]
Some 250 people gathered in Tel Aviv on Sunday to protest the killing of 17 Palestinian protesters in Gaza Friday by Israeli troops, with hundreds more injured.

Demonstrators rallied together outside the headquarters of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party, for the protest dubbed "Create hope, stop the next war".

Israeli protesters chanted "no to the occupation" and "in Gaza and Sderot, little girls want to stay alive", Haaretz reported.

The killings have unleashed international outrage after it became clear Israeli snipers on the Gaza border were targeting unarmed demonstrators, people praying and peaceful bystanders.

More than 700 people have been injured with bullet wounds alone, as Israeli forces fired live ammunition into the crowds.

On Friday, top Israeli radio host of Army Radio Kobi Meidan posted on Facebook he was "ashamed" that day to be Israeli due to the killings.

His shows were subsequently taken off air with rumours circulating he may be fired, according to Haaretz.

Attending the protest in Tel Aviv was renowned human rights lawyer Michael Sfard.

"Gaza is under siege and has been under occupation for the past decade," he told Haaretz.

"The people of Gaza are suffering from an enormous humanitarian crisis and now, when they tried to protest against it, they were met with brutal force which killed 16 of them and injured and maimed many others. As an Israeli, my duty is to protest against the evils that are done in my name."

The Tel Aviv demonstration was organised by a handful of anti-war and left-wing Israeli organisations including Standing Together, Other Voice, Combatants for Peace, Peace Now, Breaking the Silence, Zazim and Coalition of Women for Peace.
UN chief Antonio Guterres has condemned the killings, along with the EU, and key left-wing figures including the leader of UK Labour Jeremy Corbyn, and former US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.