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Hollywood stars call for US arms embargo on Israel amid Gaza war

Artists4Ceasefire: Hollywood stars call for US arms embargo on Israel as Gaza attacks continue
3 min read
06 September, 2024
Celebrities including Mark Ruffalo and Cynthia Nixon have urged the US to stop supplying Israel with weapons as it continues its indiscriminate attacks on Gaza
Actor Mahershala Ali, seen here wearing an Artists4Ceasefire pin, is among the stars calling for a US arms embargo on Israel [Getty/file photo]

A number of Hollywood celebrities have called for a US arms embargo on Israel, US media reported on Thursday.

Among those urging the US to halt exporting arms to Israel are Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali, former 'Sex and The City' actress Cynthia Nixon, Marvel actor Mark Ruffalo and comedienne Ilana Glazer.

The celebrities have formed a collective called Artists4Ceasefire and published a  call to action titled 'Stop Weapons, Save Lives'.

The said US weapon transfers to Israel "violate US and international law", stressing the illegality of using or supplying weapons to carry out "grave human rights violations", such as striking schools or hospitals, restricting humanitarian aid, and killing children.

Ruffalo, a long-time advocate for Palestinian rights said: "Our demand is simple - our elected leaders must enforce existing US and international humanitarian laws that prohibit the use of military assistance to commit grave human rights violations," according to Variety.

Actor Mahershala Ali called for a halt to "the mass destruction being perpetrated using US tax dollars" in reference to US funded and supplied arms transfers

"We are standing together to remind US and global leaders that the lives of millions of human beings are on the line - both Palestinians and Israelis - and by sending and endless barrage of weapons, we are in fact facilitating death and destruction, while merely paying lip service to peace, security and humanity for both people," he said.

The acclaimed film star has also reportedly dropped A-list agent Brandt Joel after he was caught sending a text which read "Screw the left kill all" in a pro-Israel WhatsApp group, The Hollywood Reporter said on Friday.

Israel has been accused of systematically violating international humanitarian law through its deadly military operation in Gaza, which has killed at least 40,878 Palestinians in close to 11 months of war.

Evidence has shown that US weapons have been used to carry out massacres of Palestinians in Gaza, while Washington has repeatedly provided billion-dollar military packages for its ally, despite opposition from activists and members of the US progressive left.

Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has also said she will not reverse or make changes to the US’ policy of supplying Israel with weapons, proclaiming her support for what she called Israel’s 'right to self-defence'.

The Artists4Ceasefire collective however called for "an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, delivery of humanitarian aid", as well as "freedom, justice, dignity and peace for all people".

Artoits4Ceasefire's message was launched through a partnership with artist Shepard Fairey and several humanitarian organisations, including Oxfam America, ActionAid USA and War Child Alliance/Children in Conflict.

A design by Fairey which accompanied the message, showcases a dove carrying a barbed wire in its beak with the caption "Stop weapons, save lives".

He said the artwork "carries the message of the collective humanity we must find to rise above hostility and put an end to the destruction and devastation", according to Variety.

Artists4Ceasefire have made numerous calls for an end to the war in Gaza, which has been ongoing since last October.

The group is behind the red pins which several artists have sported on red carpet events in the US and the UK, calling for the implementation of a permanent ceasefire in the war-hit enclave.

Gaza has been utterly devastated by Israel's assault, which has used weapons provided by the US and other Western powers. Hospitals, school and refugee camps for the displaced have been routinely targeted and Israel’s attacks and blockade have cut off food and increased disease as Gazans struggle to survive.

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