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Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestine Gaza protest in Denmark

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestine Gaza protest in Denmark
2 min read
04 September, 2024
Activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Wednesday at a Copenhagen protest against Israel's war on Gaza.
Last year, the Israeli military attacked Thunberg after she voiced support for Palestinians in the wake of the war on Gaza [Getty]

Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Wednesday at a protest in the Danish capital against the war in Gaza, a spokesperson for the student group organising the demonstration said.

Six people were detained at a protest at Copenhagen University after around 20 people had blocked the entrance to a building and three entered the facility, a police spokesperson told the media.

Police declined to confirm the identities of those arrested but a spokesperson for the Students Against the Occupation confirmed Thunberg was among those detained.

Danish outlet TV2 published a video showing the 21-year-old being put in the back of a police van.

"Students Against the Occupation and I are at the University of Copenhagen's administration building," Thunberg wrote on early on Wednesday on a video shared on her Instagram account.

"Police have been called, violently entered the building with a ram wearing assault rifles. They are evicting everyone as we speak," she added.

In another video, Thunberg wrote: "Students have been arrested and are being taken to the station this very moment."

University campus protests in support of Palestinians have surged globally since Israel's onslaught on Gaza began last October prompting colleges to issue stricter policies to crackdown on student encampments and demonstrations as the new academic year kicks off.

Last year, the Israeli military attacked Thunberg after she voiced support for Palestinians in the wake of the war on Gaza, which has killed over 40,680 Palestinians - most of whom were women and children.

By December, Thunberg fiercely condemned Israel, accusing it of committing war crimes and genocide as its brutal offensive in Gaza escalated.