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100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march in London

100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march through London
1 min read
21 October, 2023
Chanting 'Free Palestine', holding banners and waving Palestinian flags, protesters moved through London before massing at Downing Street, the official residence and office of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
Police estimated 100,000 people had taken part in the 'National March for Palestine' demonstration [Wiktor Szymanowicz/Anadolu/Getty]

About 100,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian demonstration in central London on Saturday, marching through the British capital to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Chanting "Free Palestine", holding banners and waving Palestinian flags, the protesters moved through London before massing at Downing Street, the official residence and office of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Police estimated 100,000 people had taken part in the "National March for Palestine" demonstration, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

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"As a Palestinian who'd like to return home one day, as a Palestinian who has brothers and sisters in Gaza, and family, I wish we can do more but protest is what we can do at the minute," one woman, who declined to giver her name, told Reuters.

Many of the chants and banners contained strong slogans, and one protester held a banner with pictures of Sunak, US President Joe Biden, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the message "Wanted For War crimes".

Israel is carrying out a large-scale bombing campaign against Gaza, so far killing more than 4,300 people.

It comes after Hamas militants launched a surprise attack inside Israeli territory on 7 October, killing over 1,400 people.
