
Live Story
The New Arab Meets: Sara Assad-Mannings, the London-based baker whose sourdough buns with Palestinian flavours spark queues around the block.
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The New Arab Meets: Sara Suliman to discuss her award-winning film 'Heroic Bodies,' focusing on Sudanese women's fight for political and body liberation.
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The New Arab Meets: Iraqi-American comedian Reem Edan to discuss her path from viral comedy fame to navigating identity and inspiring young Arabs and Muslims.
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The New Arab Meets: Rapper and producer Oddisee who reflects on his flourishing music career while sharing stories of his father's resilience in war-torn Sudan.
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The New Arab Meets: Leanne Mohamad, Ilford North's independent candidate, to discuss what she believes are the pressing issues ahead of the July 4 candidacy.
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The New Arab Meets: Esther Manito, the Essex-based comedian who finds humour in the everyday struggles of being an Arab woman in the UK.
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The New Arab Meets: Queen of Cups restaurant owner Ayesha Kalaji who has been charming Glastonbury with her unique pairings of Middle Eastern flavours.
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The New Arab Meets: Hamada Shaqoura, who before the war used to blog about Gaza's cafes & restaurants. Now, he cooks meals for displaced children from his tent.
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The New Arab Meets: Marcelle G Afram, the Palestinian-American chef behind 'Shababi,' a pop-up catering business in Washington serving Palestinian cuisine.
Andrew Feinstein
Live Story
The New Arab Meets: Activist Andrew Feinstein, who discusses South Africa's support for Palestine, British politics and why he's standing against Keir Starmer.