Two Palestinians killed on last Friday morning of Ramadan
Israeli police say a Palestinian woman has been killed after attempting to stab a soldier in Hebron, while reports have also emerged Friday of a second killing after a clash with security forces.
Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says that the would-be stabber was killed near the Ibrahimi mosque, a site revered by both Jews and Muslims.
Friday morning also saw 63-year-old Mohammed Mustafa Habash die of suffocation after Israeli forces fired tear gas in the West Bank village of Qalandia. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported the death, saying the man had died after arriving at a Ramallah hospital.
These two incidents come a day after Palestinian Mohammed Nassir Taryra was shot dead by Israeli soldiers after he entered the settlement of Kiryat Arba outside Hebron and stabbed a 13-year-old girl to death as she slept in her bedroom.
Thursday also saw another similar incident in Netanya, where two Israelis were stabbed.
Violence since October 2015 has killed at least 209 Palestinians and 32 Israelis. Israeli forces have been accused of using excessive force in some cases.