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The New Arab Staff

Anas Ambri


Anas is a researcher at The New Arab Investigative Unit.
Areas of focus: FOIs, migration, MENA

Despite insolvency and irregularities, Rothman has clinched a controversial deal to acquire Armenian property in Jerusalem. Due to his extensive business ties in international hospitality, opponents of his Israeli firm face an uphill legal battle.

03 August, 2023

First public appearance of prime suspect in Khashoggi murder coincides with campaign to lift suspension on his Twitter account. The TNA Investigative Unit has found that hundreds of inauthentic accounts are involved in this influence operation.

26 June, 2023

This data-driven investigation into Freedom Of Information requests (FOIs) sent to Frontex reveals how the EU border agency systematically delays responses. Frustrating process discourages European citizens from pursuing transparency.

22 December, 2022