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Rose Chacko

Rose Chacko


Rose has been The New Arab’s translator since May 2021. She holds an MSc in Advanced Arabic and worked as a freelance translator before starting her position at The New Arab.


Areas of interest: History, politics, culture and literature with a focus on the Middle East

Many British Palestinians will be on the ballot on 4 July standing against UK complicity in Israel's war crimes and for an end to austerity politics in the UK.

27 June, 2024

Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah was barred entry into Germany to speak at a Palestine solidarity conference taking place in the capital Berlin today.

12 April, 2024

Gazan Palestinians are facing a dystopian nightmare in the West Bank — pursued by Israeli soldiers for 'not holding work permits' in their own occupied land.

05 April, 2024

101 Jordanians were arrested on Sunday night as hundreds of demonstrators attempted to 'besiege' the Israeli embassy in Amman to protest Israel's war on Gaza.

25 March, 2024

The New Arab Meets: Amat Alsalam Al-Hajj, head of the Abductees' Mothers Association, a group of mothers fighting for the release of Yemen's civilian abductees and promoting Yemen's recent Declaration for Justice and Reconciliation.

27 October, 2023

Renowned Palestinian literary giant Salma Khadra Jayyusi has died, leaving a rich legacy behind her which spans Arabic literature teaching, poetry and translation, as well as having brought about a deeper appreciation of Arabic culture in the West.

26 April, 2023

In-depth: The 2016 gas deal with Israel sparked outrage across Jordan for many reasons, among them the choice to invest in Israeli energy independence over Jordan's, which has adversely impacted what was once a promising renewable energy sector.

19 December, 2022

The Arab Fans' League is the first initiative of its kind and aims to unite Arab communities across Qatar to come together and make a united show of support for all the Arab teams taking part as the 2022 World Cup kick-off nears.

10 November, 2022

The New Arab meets: Ghalia Rahhal, co-founder of Mazaya, who has been fighting tooth and nail to empower women in rebel-held Idlib, Syria, in the face of staunch opposition on multiple fronts.

17 June, 2022

Tunisian bloggers face prosecution for expressing opinions deemed 'insulting' to the government, security forces, and Islam. Freedom of expression, the most precious of the hard-won gains Tunisians fought for in their revolution, is under threat.

14 July, 2021