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Stasa Salacanin


Stasa Salacanin is a freelance journalist who writes for several newspapers across the Middle East, including BQ Doha and Qatar Today. He has written extensively on Middle Eastern affairs, trade and political relations, Syria and Yemen, terrorism and defence.

Annexation of the West Bank could be the final blow to Jordan's peace treaty with Israel.

03 July, 2020

A poor human rights record, broadcast piracy and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi are casting a shadow over the Saudi-funded takeover.

12 June, 2020

The EU is a staunch defender of the two-state solution but remains divided on how to push back against Israel's annexation plans.

11 June, 2020

A bid by separatists to assert control over southern Yemen has pushed the country closer to fragmentation.

21 May, 2020

Migrant workers in the Gulf are bearing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic as states introduce strict quarantine measures and travel bans.

08 April, 2020

Although Turkey announced the end of their operations in northern Syria late last year, many unknowns still remain, as it is unclear what comes next both militarily and diplomatically.

15 January, 2020

While some European governments have distanced themselves from the 'bloody prince', this cannot be said for the US administration which remains the main backer of Saudi Arabia under MbS.

02 October, 2019

While Qatar has declared that it will build a new seaport in Somalia, Saudi Arabia has recognised the passport of autonomous Somaliland, amplifying political and ethnic divisions in the country.

20 September, 2019

Cooperation between Turkish and Qatari militaries has notably intensified since the Saudi-led blockade on Qatar, and Turkey is only but strengthening its presence in the small Gulf region.

10 September, 2019

Large parts of the population in Gulf countries are dependent on desalination for their drinking water, but high tensions in the region openly threatens the availability of potable water.

21 August, 2019