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Sam Hamad

Sam Hamad


Sam Hamad is a writer and History PhD student at the University of Glasgow, focusing on totalitarian ideologies.

The Sisi regime’s repressive crackdown expands to every corner of Egyptian society. From critical voices like economist Ayman Hadhoud, to non-political social media influencers like Haneen Hossam, no one is spared, writes Sam Hamad.

26 April, 2022

The levels of violence used by Russia in the Bucha massacre was monstrous and calculated, it was clearly Putin’s attempt to punish Ukrainian resistance and warn the remaining regions it seeks to invade, writes Sam Hamad.

08 April, 2022

Despite a difference in motives between the US invasion of Iraq and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in both cases, invading powers were driven by failed ideological arrogance, writes Sam Hamad.

04 April, 2022

While certain Syrians celebrate Russian losses in its ongoing invasion of Ukraine, such celebrations are bitter sweet reminders of how the world traumatically abandoned Syria to Russia, writes Sam Hamad.

09 March, 2022

Rife with Orientalism and double standards, media coverage of Ukraine emphasises that “civilised” and “European” Ukrainians don't deserve war. The flip side of this racist coin implies non-White people are less worthy of empathy, writes Sam Hamad.

01 March, 2022

Ukraine and Syria are bound together by Russia's will to enforce tyranny against liberty. If the international community to caves to these moves, it is not only Ukrainians and Syrians who will pay the price, writes Sam Hamad.

22 February, 2022

The conviction of Syrian war criminal Anwar Raslan for crimes against humanity is a remarkable victory for his victims, but until the top perpetrators of the Assad regime's atrocities are held accountable, justice remains elusive, writes Sam Hamad.

18 January, 2022

Russia’s recent intervention in Kazakhstan to quell popular protest is the latest in Putin’s growing list of “anti-humanitarian interventions”, a strategy first honed and emboldened in Syria, writes Sam Hamad.

13 January, 2022

A most glaring aspect of the counterrevolution in Sudan is the absence of the US, suggesting that it is content with handing over Sudan and the wider MENA region to its UAE-Saudi allies regardless of the bloodshed, writes Sam Hamad.

15 December, 2021

Thawing relations between Turkey and UAE is yet another victory for UAE's vision of a regional entente composed of powerful and brutal states at the expense of the powerless and oppressed, writes Sam Hamad.

01 December, 2021