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Said Arikat


Arikat is the Washington Bureau Chief for the Jerusalem-based Palestinian newspaper al-Quds.

Analysis: White House may be affronted, and Netanyahu may have made more enemies within the administration. But his invitation to address the US Congress is unlikely to affect policy, whether on Iran or Palestine.

26 January, 2015

Palestinians will face both the stick and the carrot, but are continuing preparing their own case at the ICC against Israel. Whether they hold firm remains to be seen.

20 January, 2015

There is a clear danger of mission creep for the US, as forces on the ground, including Iran-affiliated Shia militias, prepare to do battle with the Islamic State group to re-capture Mosul.

12 January, 2015

Palestinians have a right to ask whether the latest failure at the UN is symptomatic of a wider failure of leadership.

08 January, 2015

It’s pretty much ‘as you were’ for Obama's foreign policy team as they head into the final two years of his presidency. The same countries exercise Washington and there is little sign of the pivot away from the Middle East.

31 December, 2014

Force of the gun lobby is brought to bear on US foreign policy as powerful interest group lobbies against historic arms treaty and for huge profits for companies whose victims will almost always be poor Arabs, Afghans and Africans.

26 December, 2014

Despite obvious flaws, the Cuban revolution brought the people massive benefits that would not be possible under a capitalist system.

18 December, 2014

Hillary Clinton may have delayed her official entry into the presidential race, but she looks certain to be the Democratic Party's 2016 frontrunner. Palestinians must finally learn to look elsewhere for meaningful support.

15 December, 2014

As Washington reacts to the many questions thrown up by the Senate report into CIA practices under the previous administration, the issue of ultimate responsibility seems to have been swept aside. But Americans must demand accountability. Torture is torture.

10 December, 2014

America’s political leaders may not have noticed, but a new poll suggests US public opinion is turning.

08 December, 2014