
Ibrahim Halawi


Halawi is a doctoral researcher in Politics at Royal Holloway, University of London. His research focuses on the concept of counter-revolution, with particular emphasis on counter-revolutions in post-Arab Spring. He has published and presented widely on Middle East affairs. @ibrahimhalawi

Analysis: Ambiguity over the aims and objectives of Riyadh's military campaign against the Houthis mirrors the overall confusion in its military command.

25 April, 2015

The emergence of IS inside Yarmouk camp has led to simplistic and dangerous impressions that isolate the Palestinians in the camp from the history and geography of the Syrian uprising.

07 April, 2015

Analysis: As nuclear talks come to a close, Iran's rivals are opposing the possibility of a new order on several political and military fronts.

02 April, 2015

Analysis: Saudi Arabia's military campaign in Yemen is an attempt to seize the initiative in the region from Iran.

26 March, 2015

Comment: You cannot reduce the rise of IS to Assad’s malevolent politics. You cannot ignore it either, writes Ibrahim Halawi

14 March, 2015