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The New Arab Staff

A correspondent in Iran

A correspondent in Iran

The author is withholding their name to protect their identity

Amwaj Media's report on secret Tehran meetings among leaders of Iranian-backed military groups in the Middle East signals Iran's preparedness for further military confrontation, suggesting a shift toward hardline leadership within the armed groups.

13 November, 2023

In the protest, members of the Iranian Jewish community held placards with slogans that highlighted their stance, such as "Do not commit crimes in the name of Judaism" and "We urge the international community to help the people of Gaza."

06 November, 2023

Amid escalating conflict in Gaza, Iran's support for Hamas raises questions as it refrains from direct action, leading to misinformation and propaganda campaigns within Iran.

03 November, 2023

The Iranian authorities released information and explanations regarding the events leading to Armita Garawand's death but failed to persuade the public and unveil significant discrepancies in their official statements.

30 October, 2023

Iran and Israel's relationship has shifted from close cooperation, including military and economic ties, before the 1979 Iranian revolution to hostile enmity, with Iran supporting the Palestinian groups Hamas and the Islamic Jihad for Palestine again

23 October, 2023

The recent Israeli war on Gaza has laid bare a stark division within the Iranian opposition, with differing and passionate views.

16 October, 2023

The war between Iran and Israel is considered unlikely by Iranian experts because of its high costs, regional consequences, hostage concerns, and Israel’s limited strategic depth.

11 October, 2023

Iran's economy, already strained, faces additional challenges because the conflict in Gaza has caused the national currency to devalue and gold prices to surge in Iran.

10 October, 2023

"When I spot young girls on the streets without a hijab or older women with their scarves around their necks instead of their heads, we share a knowing smile—a secret language of encouragement in this fight," said a 68-year-old housewife in Tehran.

25 September, 2023

The latest case of deaths in custody happened on 31 August, when Javad Rouhi was transferred from Nowshahr prison to a hospital and died there.

19 September, 2023